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Medical Gas Pipeline System (MGPS)

The design and planning of MGPS (Medical Gas Pipeline System) services for various functional areas adhere strictly to the guidelines set forth by HTM (Health Technical Memorandum), ISO 7396, and NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards. The process involves meticulous calculations to determine the necessary flow rates and requirements for essential components, including the Liquid Oxygen Tank (LOX), Gas Manifolds, Medical Air Compressor System, Vacuum System, and PSA (Pressure Swing Adsorption) oxygen generation plant.  As part of this comprehensive planning, a room-wise Design Matrix is meticulously prepared. This matrix includes detailed layouts of the piping, terminal units, connected valves, alarm systems, and manifold/plant rooms, tailored to suit the specific needs of each area.  The following steps are to be undertaken in the process:

Compliance with Standards
Requirement Analysis
Detailed Layout Design
Calculation of Flow Rates
Design Matrix Preparation
Safety and Compliance
Collaboration and Coordination with engineers, contractors, and relevant stakeholders

Modular Operation Theatre (MOT)

The design & development of the Operation Theatre complex, along with its accessory areas, is meticulously crafted to align with the organizational clinical plan and policies. Customized designs are created for specialty and super-specialty operation theatres, ensuring they cater precisely to the unique requirements of each area.  Furthermore, the planning of Operation Theatre Integration services takes place with careful consideration of the desired level of integration with BIM/HMIS and other relevant systems. This integration aims to enhance operational efficiency and streamline the overall healthcare workflow.  The following steps are undertaken in this comprehensive process:

Organizational Clinical Plan and Policies
Accessory Areas
Infection Control Measures
Safety and Regulatory Compliance
Technology implementation
Design of Specialty and Super-Specialty OTs
Operation Theatre Integration (OTI) Services
Collaboration and Stakeholder Engagement
Analysis of clinical requirements

Nurse Call System (NCS)

The planning of Nurse Call System (NCS) services for various functional areas conducted in accordance with DIN/VDE or UL standards. Development of a room-wise Design Matrix that outlines the placement and configuration of NCS components in each area. This includes identifying locations for Room Units, Pull Cords, Nurse Station Consoles, Code Blue systems, and Centralized Control Systems. The following steps are undertaken in this process:

Standard Compliance
Functional Area Analysis
Design Matrix Preparation
Layout Design
Safety and Emergency Considerations
Centralized Control System

Central Sterile Supply Department (CSSD)

Designing of the three-zone Central Sterile Services Department (CSSD), including accessory areas, carried out in accordance with the organizational clinical plan and policies. Special consideration given to infection control practices, and planning will adhere to guidelines provided by various national and international agencies such as the CDC and ASHRAE. Additionally, the planning of CSSD Integration (CSSDI) services undertaken, considering the desired level of integration with BMS, HMIS and the Supply Chain module. The following points to be considered:

Organizational Clinical Plan and Policies
Infection Control Practices
Three-Zone CSSD Design
Accessory Areas
CSSD Integration (CSSDI) Services
Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Pneumatic Tube Transfer System (PTTS)

Designing of Pneumatic Tube System stands as a state-of-the-art computer-controlled system.  We design PTS considering ease of accessibility between crucial areas keeping in mind secure transfer points, patient flow, traffic patterns, distances, benefiting both nursing/medical staff and fully automated laboratory lines and pharmacieswithin the facility in accordance with HTM standards. The main considerations while designing of PTS are as under:

Functional Area Analysis
Design Matrix Preparation
HTM Standards Compliance
Layout Design and Piping Details
Traffic Optimization
Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Radio-diagnostic Services

The planning of Radio-diagnostic services, encompassing CT scan, X-ray, and Ultrasound, is meticulously conducted following the guidelines set forth by reputable organizations such as AERB, PCPNDT, and other applicable regulations. These stringent guidelines ensure that all aspects of the services adhere to safety, quality, and ethical standards.

Additionally, for the planning of MRI services, particular attention is given to RF and magnetic shielding details, meticulously aligning with both national and international guidelines. This comprehensive approach guarantees that the MRI facilities meet the highest safety standards, protecting patients, staff, and sensitive electronic equipment from potential risks associated with magnetic fields done with utmost precision, ensuring the provision of top-quality medical imaging while safeguarding the well-being of patients and healthcare professionals. The following points to be considered while planning:

Guideline Compliance
Facility Analysis
CT Scan, X-ray, and Ultrasound Planning
MRI Planning
Compliance with PCPNDT Guidelines
Safety and Regulatory Compliance

Lab Diagnostic Services

The planning of various clinical labs is carried out meticulously, taking into account the presumptive load of the institute. This ensures that the labs are designed to handle the expected workload efficiently and effectively. Moreover, strict adherence to infection control guidelines issued by reputable agencies, such as the CDC, ASHRAE and other relevant organizations, guarantees a safe and hygienic environment for patients and healthcare professionals.

Additionally, our team provides valuable assistance to the institute in formulating a quality control policy that aligns with the high standards set by NABH or JCI. This policy aims to ensure that the clinical labs maintain exceptional levels of quality, accuracy, and patient safety, reflecting the institute’s commitment to delivering outstanding healthcare services.By integrating the presumptive load considerations, adhering to infection control guidelines, and implementing robust quality control policies, the clinical labs are optimally equipped to meet the institute’s requirements and uphold the highest standards of patient care and safety.  The following points to be considered while planning:

Presumptive Load Analysis
Quality Control Policy
Equipment Selection and Placement
Infection Control Guidelines
Lab Design and Layout

Planning and Designing of Burns Ward and Equipment

The planning and designing of a Burns Ward necessitate outlining clear objectives for the unit, taking into account patient capacity, the types of burn cases to be managed, and the level of care required. This involves setting specific targets for ensuring patient safety, infection control, treatment efficiency and treatment rooms equipped with necessary medical equipment. Moreover, strict adherence to infection control guidelines issued by reputable agencies like the CDC, ASHRAE, and other relevant organizations is a crucial aspect of the planning process.The following steps will be taken to ensure the highest level of infection control:

Safety and infection control
Patient flow and accessibility
Family and visitor areas
Ventilation Systems
Cleaning and Disinfection Protocols
Compliance with regulations and standards
Layout and Flow
Pain Management and Emotional Support
Specialized facilities and equipment
Burn-specific/Patient rooms
Aesthetics and calming environment
Hand Hygiene and Sanitation
Staff facilities
Future expansion and flexibility
Infection Control Measures
Safety and Prevention through signages and educational material

Radiation and other therapeutic Areas

The planning of Radio-Therapeutic (Radiation) services, which includes PET CT scan, LINAC, and Brachy-Therapy services, is carried out with a strong commitment to following the guidelines set by AERB (Atomic Energy Regulatory Board) and other pertinent regulatory bodies.The positioning and placement of a radiotherapy facility within the hospital premises necessitate thorough deliberation due to the critical role of radiation oncology in multidisciplinary cancer management. This includes accommodating the needs for diagnosis, coordinated referrals, and long-term patient follow-up. Building specialized bunkers (shielded rooms) to house treatment equipment presents an engineering challenge, demanding expert supervision to ensure the enduring structural integrity. Implementing a generic design is vital to accommodate future requirements and technological advancements. The following aspects to be considered while planning:

Regulatory Compliance
Equipment and Facility Layout
Bunker Planning
Radiation Safety Measures
Radioactive Discharge Disposal Program

Hospital laundry Services

Hospital linen and laundry services play an indispensable role in providing crucial support for uninterrupted patient care. Our expertise lies in designing and planning these essential services, taking into account key factors such as the volume of linen and clothes requiring washing, especially those used in operation theatres, ICU beds, type of textiles, patient capacity and day care beds that may need frequent changes.  To ensure efficient and hygienic management of healthcare facility linens, garments, and other textiles, we deeply understand resource utilization and employ cost-effective planning. Our focus is on creating well-designed hospital laundry facilities that optimize operations and maintain high standards of cleanliness. With our comprehensive approach, we contribute to the smooth functioning of healthcare facilities, ultimately benefiting patients and staff alike.  Special Considerations:

Laundry Facility Location
Organisational Clinical Plan and Policies
Two-Zone Laundry Design
Laundry Integration (LI) Services
Workflow Design
Environmental Considerations
Space Planning
Infection Control Practices
Ancillary Areas
Safety and Regulatory Compliance
Equipment and Machinery
Budget and Cost Analysis

Hospital kitchen Services

Careful planning and consideration of several factors are essential when designing a hospital kitchen to ensure its efficient operation. These factors include selecting an appropriate location, ensuring the presence of adequate equipment, complying with health and safety regulations, implementing digital inventory management systems or automated temperature monitoring for refrigeration, and establishing an effective waste management system to handle food waste responsibly and promote recycling wherever feasible.Here are some key steps and factors to consider when planning and designing a hospital kitchen:

Space and Layout
Workflow Efficiency
Storage Solutions
Staff Facilities
Waste Management
Flexibility for Future Growth
Compliance with Health and Safety Regulations
Adequate Equipment
Energy Efficiency
Meal Delivery Systems
Technology Integration

Hospital Information System (Hospital IT System)

The primary objective of a Hospital Information Management System is to efficiently manage and streamline various aspects of a hospital’s operations and administrative tasks. This includes handling patient registration and demographic data entry, storing and managing patient medical records, managing patient appointments, facilitating billing and insurance processes (including generating invoices and submitting claims), overseeing pharmacy and inventory management, integrating with the hospital’s laboratory for test orders, results, and sample tracking, and storing and managing medical images such as X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans.

Additionally, the system aids in managing financial transactions, expenses, and revenue related to hospital operations, while also generating various reports and analytics to monitor hospital performance and support data-driven decision-making. By serving as a central repository for all medical, administrative, and financial data related to patient care and hospital management, it enables healthcare providers to deliver better care, reduce paperwork, improve communication, and enhance patient safety. Integration and interoperability features ensure seamless communication and data exchange between different modules and external systems, further enhancing overall efficiency and information sharing.

Primary considerations of planning and designing:

Assessment of Requirements
Data Migration
System Development or Adoption
Testing and Quality Assurance
Well Beyond HealthCare

Achievements and Milestones

Collaborative effort of various stakeholders has paved the way for improved healthcare infrastructure benefiting communities worldwide. We have a vision to create sustainable and resilient infrastructure across the healthcare sector. Our mission is to plan healthcare infrastructure which is receptive and comfortable to its users with their local architecture yet equipped with all the modern facilities and advancement.

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